PHRASAL VERB 消灭,消除(分歧等) To snuff out something such as a disagreement means to stop it, usually in a forceful or sudden way.
Every time a new flicker of resistance appeared, the government snuffed it out... 一旦有抵抗的苗头出现时,政府总是迅速地加以消灭。
The recent rebound in mortgage rates could snuff out the housing recovery. 抵押贷款利率最近的回升可能会扼杀房地产的复苏。
PHRASAL VERB (用手)掐灭;(用物件)弄熄 If you snuff out a small flame, you stop it burning, usually by using your fingers or by covering it with something for a few seconds.
Tenzin snuffed out the candle. 丹津掐灭了蜡烛。
PHRASAL VERB 谋杀;干掉 If someone snuffs out someone else, they kill them.
A bullet meant for Riley snuffs out a passing gangster... 一枚原本射向赖利的子弹意外击毙了一个路过的暴徒。
You've got the power. You can do anything you want. You can snuff him out or not. 你已经大权在握,可以为所欲为了。你可以灭了他,也可以不这么做。
Every time a new flicker of resistance appeared, the government snuffed it out 一旦有抵抗的苗头出现时,政府总是迅速地加以消灭。
The recent rebound in mortgage rates could snuff out the housing recovery. 抵押贷款利率最近的回升可能会扼杀房地产的复苏。
Tenzin snuffed out the candle. 丹津掐灭了蜡烛。
A bullet meant for Riley snuffs out a passing gangster 一枚原本射向赖利的子弹意外击毙了一个路过的暴徒。
You've got the power. You can do anything you want. You can snuff him out or not. 你已经大权在握,可以为所欲为了。你可以灭了他,也可以不这么做。
Of course, what makes the scandal a huge deal for Alibaba and why the company has gone to extraordinary lengths to snuff it out is the apparent involvement of insiders on the sales staff in perpetrating the fraud. 当然,此次丑闻成为阿里巴巴的重大事件以及该公司如此不遗余力将其消灭于萌芽状态的的原因,正在于其销售队伍的内部人员显然共同参与了欺诈。
My chopping was not up to snuff, and she took the cleaver out of my hand to show me again how to do it& not too rough and not too soft, rotating the meat. 我剁肉剁得不好,她把刀从我手里拿过来,又教了我一遍&用力要均匀适中,要转着方向剁。
I watched the first season with trepidation: at the time, I was living in Beijing and preparing to move to Washington, D.C. ( Are congressmen really lurking in parking garages waiting to snuff each other out?) 我看第一季时提心吊胆:当时我正住在北京,并准备搬到华盛顿特区(难道国会议员真的潜伏在车库等待着消灭掉对方了吗?)
Supporters argue e-cigarettes can wean more than 40 million Americans from smoking and restricting them could snuff out a historic opportunity. 电子烟的支持者认为,电子烟能让超过4000万美国人戒掉传统香烟,禁止使用电子烟可能会扼杀一个难得的历史机遇。
We cannot allow violence to snuff out the aspirations of young women in America, and we must not accept it anywhere in the world. 我们绝不允许暴力行径扼杀美国年轻女性的理想抱负,也绝不容忍这种事情在全世界任何地方发生。
But in this world there will be dream stealers, dream snatchers and dream killers that will squash your dream, extinguish and snuff it out of existence. 但在这个世界上还有偷梦者、夺梦者、杀梦者来捣碎你的梦想,扑灭并扼杀你的梦想,让它不复存在。
Section of the orchestra. The three musicians stop playing, snuff out candles by their music stands. (部分交响乐队。三位乐手停止演奏,熄灭乐谱架旁的蜡烛。)
Just the idea of having a better camera than other people is enough to snuff out boring thoughts about usability. 单单想到自己有个比别人好的照相机就足以让自己忘却了照相机到底好在哪里。
Greedy heirs waited for the old man to snuff out. 贪心的继承人只待着老头断气。
And, as European countries embrace austerity budgets – cutting public spending sharply and raising taxes to reduce heavy public borrowing – there is the added risk that too much fiscal retrenchment could snuff out the tentative economic recovery. 欧洲国家开始收紧预算(大幅削减公共开支和增加税收,以减少巨额公共借贷),也带来了额外的风险:过度的财政紧缩可能会扼杀暂时的经济复苏。
Greedy heir wait for the old man to snuff out 贪心的继承人等待著老头断气
Ready to snuff out the world's one hope for reason and justice. 准备要扼杀世界上对理智和正义的唯一希望。
The empress dowager gave orders to snuff out the crown prince. 皇太后传旨杀掉皇太子。
When we consciously or unconsciously make that decision, we snuff out that little voice in our head. 当我们有意或无意做出这样的决定时,我们就扼杀了心底那个微弱的声音。
It was the government's most brutal attempt to snuff out the rebellion. 这是政府力图扑灭叛乱的最残忍的一次尝试。
It will take weeks to snuff out the burninggrassland. 熄灭草原上的火需要几星期的时间。
The heirs and heiresses were sitting in the living room, waiting for the oil magnate to snuff out. 男女继承人坐在客厅时,等待这位煤油大王咽气。
A bruised reed he will not break, and a smoldering wick he will not snuff out. 压伤的芦苇他不折断将残的灯火他不吹灭。
The key to deal with the problem is preventing the catabolism in net speech availably, but we cannot snuff out the creativity and vitality of it. 但如何进行规制,确保既不扼杀网络言论创造性和活力,又有效防止网络言论异化是要解决问题的关键。